Today I thought I'd finally get the robot arm - which I built some months ago - working.
A few weeks back I got the :MOVE robot controlled by a Micro:bit using tilt controls (an excellent suggestion made by one of the Ninjas) so I will build on this code for the robot arm.
However, the :MOVE mini only has two servos to control (one for each wheel) which can be each be forward/off/back.
Whereas the robot arm has a servo for each of its four joints. So twice as much to control.
Let's look at the :MOVE set up in move detail. It comprises of two Micro:bits:
Receiver: this is a radio receiver and is wired to the two motor servos which it controls. This was all supplied as a kit by Kitronik ( and when wired up it connects
This receiver code is available at
Receiver code
to use: download it to a folder and then drag this file to webpage it will decode the hex file and show you
the block code.
This code uses the ServoLite code extension blocks and more details are available
here. This is because there is a Servo:Lite control board between the Micro:bit board and the two servo motors on the :MOVE mini.
Transmitter: This controls the :Move by transmitting Forward, Left, Right, Back and Stop commands based on how this Micro:bit is being held or shaken.
- when you shake it displays O and sends the Stop command
- when tilted towards B it displays <- and sends the Go Right command
- when tilted towards A it displays -> and sends the Go Left command
- when A pressed is displays ^ and sends the Go Forward command
- when B pressed is displays v and sends the Go Back command
This transmitter code is available at
Transmitter code to use: download it to a folder and then drag this file to webpage it will decode the hex file and show you the block code.
As our robot arm has just the raw servos and no Servo:Lite controller board we need to use lower-level servo code to control its joints.
As the micro:bit cannot really supply enough power at +3v for the servos, we would ideally use a servo controller board. Like
But if we give all four servos their own +3v supply (red wires) and just share their GND (brown wires) and control wires (orange) with the Micro:bits we should be OK.